Monday, August 23, 2010


I could not would not with a goat,

I could not would not on a boat,

thinks Ellie, about all green foods. You know when you taste something so bad, it gives you the chills? That is what Ellie did when she tried avocado. You know that face you make when you have peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth? That is the face she made when trying green beans. You know when you’re at the dentist and they go too deep and you gag and dry heave? That’s the face she made when trying green peas.

I can’t help but feel discouraged when she so dramatically rejects these vegetables. I don’t want to torture her, but I do want her to eat vegetables too, especially the green ones. So I tricked her. Half peas, half bananas. And she eats it. Joke’s on you princess! You just ate peas! Now what are you going to do!?

I could not would not on a train,
I could not would not in the rain…
Well, maybe if there are some bananas mixed in…

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